Monday, March 5, 2012

Alrazak, Scientific Theory and Achievements, The Pure Adamite Race

The New Theory in Human Race

The Pure Adamite race
A new theory of the Adamite pure race and the other types of human beings
Dr.M.F.A.Alrazak, MBCHB, FRCS

Abstract: The Theories and Hypothesis that explained the origin of human being did not find the complete evolutionary sequence of linkage to the modern Human. Not a single theory related to the origin of human being had explained the leap in the cognitive, behavior, abstract and reasoning peculiar to human beings. The theories related to origin of human had also not explained the dramatic change and the disorder in behavior or behavior that is close to non Adamite in some human being. The dramatic change in behavior that could happened in one of the twin, one or more offspring in same family or in human being in certain region which had  resemblance of behaviors of the Human being of the same age, up ringing, circumstance that could be observed in other regions of the world. The related theories of origin of human being also could not explain why there are individual set up for the high and pureAdamite behavior that reject any behavior that contradict consciousness. On the other hand we see the opposite in the non Adamite behaviors and in between these two, their will be the inevitable and countless range of the mixed behavior of Adamite and non AdamiteThe Human race is divided into three: 1-The Adamite, descendant from Adam, the carrier of the Pure Human beings genes. 2-The intelligent Hybrid, The carrier of Adamite and non Adamite Genes. 3-The Non Adamite The carrier of theHomosapiens Genes which descended through the evolutionary process.
[M.F.A. Alrazak, MBCHB, FRCS. The Pure Adamite race - A new theory of the Adamite pure race and the other types of human beings. Report and Opinion 2010;2(10):64-69]. (ISSN: 1553-9873).

Key Words: Human, race, Adamite, pure Genes, evolution, behavior, Genes, ASPM, Mesopotamia,Enûma ElishAdapa, Adam, Behavior, creation, scriptures, chromosomes, Sumerian, Homosapiens.

Published in: 

Report and Opinion. 2010;2(10). The Pure Adamite race. A new theory of the Adamite pure race and the other types of human beings. Dr.M.F.A.Alrazak, MBCHB,FRCS, Oct 1, 2010 ... 3-The Non Adamite The carrier of the Homosapiens Genes which descended through the evolutionary process. [M.F.A. Alrazak, MBCHB, FRCS ...,